Three Simple Steps to Jump Start Your IT Renovation Project
We're about halfway through February and most of your known 2024 IT projects should be starting or scheduled. That means you might have a bit of time to map our your IT renovation plan. If you take it in segments and work your way through it, you can conceivably complete the assessment phase before the end of Q1 and have a renovation plan for Q2/Q3, leaving time in Q4 to review results, write up your year-end results, and look to 2025 with a refreshed IT function. To paraphrase an old saying: the best time to clean up your IT function is ten years ago, the second best time is today.
Based on guidance I provide in my latest book, Renovating Healthcare IT – Building the Foundation for Digital Transformation, you can use these three simple steps to get started. In the book, I walk you through each area of IT and provide a step-by-step plan for assessing each function like IT governance, architecture, technology, staffing, and more. When you graph your results, an example of which is shown here, you have an instant visual on how mature that aspect of your IT function is and where you have the best opportunities for improvement.

Next, follow these three steps to begin your IT renovation.
1. Assign each of your IT teams the task of assessing their areas.
Full inventories with relevant details is a great starting point. Usually this information is known but not always formally documented. For the purposes of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA) for your Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and for the purposes of cleaning up and clearing out, you should have a full, current inventory. Start small, build from there.
2. Assess each IT function starting Q2/24.
If you target finishing your inventory by the end of Q1, you can assess your IT functions by the end of Q2. Giving yourself a 90-day duration will ensure you have enough time to allow for standard operations and the predictable 'emergencies' while still keeping things moving. It's possible to make some initial improvements before the end of Q2 leaving the bulk of Q3 for more difficult or more lengthy modifications.
3. Select some quick wins for Q2/Q3; map out bigger changes for Q2 - Q4.
As you're assessing, you might find some things that fall into the category of "just do it." Something that's broken or convoluted that's easily and quickly fixed. Often we overlook those things when we're in the midst of a bigger initiative thinking we'll come back to it later. We usually don't. So, look for those easy wins and knock those out in Q2 while you're performing your assessments. Then, plan for the bigger changes in Q3/Q4.
Start Now. It Never Gets Easier.
If you start now, break your work into small segments, and commit to making continuous progress, you'll achieve remarkable results in 2024. It won’t ever get easier, it won’t ever take less time, less effort or less money than today.
This method is simple, easy, and as painless as it gets. Check out my book for specific guidance, detailed step-by-step guidance, and insights into common challenges and solutions to those challenges.
