The First 90 Days for a New CIO
I was recently asked to write an article for The Enterprisers Project about the first 90 days for a CIO. This was a timely request since I'd literally just completed my first 90 days as the CIO at El Rio Health. It was a great opportunity for me to review the research I'd done prior to starting the role to refresh my plan and approach as well as to reflect back on my first 90 days.
You can read the article here: CIO role: Why the first 90 days are crucial | The Enterprisers Project
You don't have to be a CIO to use some of this information. Think about the first 90 days in any job and many of the attributes are the same. First impressions matter and can't be rescinded or edited. How you interact, how you speak, how you behave all create the seeds of your reputation, which will flourish for good or for bad.