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"Renovating Healthcare IT: Is Your Infrastructure AI-Ready?"

Susan Snedaker

According to Accenture’s Technology Trends 2024, ninety-five percent (95%) of executives believe generative AI will compel their organizations to modernize its technology architecture.

According to Gartner’s Technology Hype Cycle 2023, AI is at or nearing the Peak of Inflated Expectations and is soon to be heading into the Trough of Disillusionment.


These two trends are inextricably linked, especially in healthcare IT.

Conceptual drawing of technology architecture built up over years

Many healthcare organization’s IT infrastructure and technology architecture is not ready for AI. We were all focused on digitally transforming HIT when the pandemic hit. While that offered an opportunity to pilot new solutions, it also kept many organizations from making significant forward progress on core infrastructure improvements because our focus and efforts were on near-term solutions.

On the heels of recovering from the pandemic, AI hit the radar in a massive way and has since been the number one topic of conversation in most healthcare organizations. Questions like What is it? Can we use it? Should we use it? How can we safely use it? come up over and over again.

When HIT systems that are out-of-date or worse, obsolete, they create many different kinds of risk for an organization. Updating and upgrading systems is important, but it’s vital to have an overarching plan to ensure you’re building a sustainable technology architecture. Your roadmap must include all the steps needed to update, upgrade, replace, and enhance your systems so you truly are working from a reliable baseline.

My latest book, Renovating Healthcare IT, puts all of this at your fingertips. From assessing each element of your technology stack to determining your strengths and weaknesses quickly, each chapter focuses on a single element of your IT function. You develop your plan based on what you need most. There’s no one-size-fits all plan, but you can customize your plan based on the actionable guidance in this book.

Image of book Renovating Healthcare IT - Building the Foundation for Digital Transformation

Think of each chapter as a widget you install based on your needs. You may want them all or just some; you may start with a different widget than another healthcare IT department might. That’s the purpose – to provide a flexible, customized approach to your improvements using standardized methods.

If your organization’s executives believe generative AI will compel you to modernize your technology architecture, you’ll need a plan…Renovating Healthcare IT provides the framework, you provide the details.

There is never an easy time to start, but it does get harder the longer you delay.

Get started and good luck!


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