Susan Snedaker
Apr 17, 2024
Are Your IT Service Level Agreements (SLAs) Setting You Up for Failure?
Service Level Agreements (SLAs) can be helpful in some IT circumstances, but not all. Determine how and when to use SLAs to manage demand.

Susan Snedaker
Nov 29, 2023
Top Four Must-Read Books for Successful IT Leaders
Here are two books that have really made an impact on my thinking and approach to work lately (plus two books of mine to explore). Check...

Nov 7, 2023
Renovating Healthcare IT - My New Book Arrives November 22, 2023
Exciting news! My latest book, Renovating Healthcare IT: Building the Foundation for Digital Transformation comes out November 22, 2023!...

Dec 31, 2021
Do These Four Things First
Looking forward to 2022 As I look back at 2021, I see some notable trends in healthcare IT. Most impactful in some respects was the trend...

Susan Snedaker
Jul 22, 2021
Humble Pie Pairs Well with Leadership...
Anyone who knows me even a little knows these two things about me are true: I am NOT a morning person and I am NOT a cheerleader type...

Susan Snedaker
Jan 16, 2021
Lessons in Leadership
About six weeks ago, my team and I were tasked with setting up a drive through vaccine clinic and a walk-in vaccine clinic in a matter of...

Susan Snedaker
Oct 21, 2020
Checking for Drift
While we may mourn some of the old ways, there’s enormous opportunity to look with fresh eyes and ask whether the structure still works.

Susan Snedaker
Sep 1, 2020
Keeping IT Simple
In this time of COVID, IT demand is increasing while staff and resources are static. This article gives you three ideas about ways to manage

Susan Snedaker
Apr 18, 2020
Opportunity in Crisis
There is do doubt this COVID-19 pandemic has created crises of untold proportions. There is no doubt things have changed. What the world loo

Susan Snedaker
Apr 4, 2020
Add Value Without a Sales Pitch
In the past month, my Inbox has been inundated with sales people trying to be stealth about their sales pitches, using the "we're h