About Susan
I've worked in IT my entire career in a variety of industries. One thing they all have in common is the need for talented leaders and engaged staff. In the past decade, I've been immersed in healthcare IT, which, for the uninitiated, is one of the most compelling and complex IT worlds you can imagine (and thus, quite addictive for many IT professionals).
Through the years, I've learned a lot from the people I've worked with. I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to continue to hone those skills and to share them with you.
As a consultant, I was able to see companies from the outside-in. As an executive, I've been able to work from the inside-out. These alternating perspectives have given me a unique and valuable education. This site is intended to share insights and observations to help us develop ourselves as leaders and deliver the results for our companies by leveraging IT solutions aligned with business objectives.
Simple, right?

Susan Snedaker,
IT Executive & Award Winning Author
Areas of Expertise
Information Technology Strategic Planning
Information Security Leadership
Healthcare Information Technology (IT)
Healthcare Information Services (IS)
IT Leadership and Management
Strategic Development and Planning
Team and Process Development
Operational Improvement and Staff Retention
Technical and Business Writing
Certifications and Affiliations
Certified Healthcare Information Security Leader (CHISL), CHIME
Certified Healthcare Chief Information Officer (CHCIO), CHIME
Certified Digital Health Executive, (CDH-E), CHIME
Certified Professional of Healthcare Information Management Systems (CPHIMS), HIMSS
Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), ISACA
CHIME CHCIO Boot Camp, Faculty, Exam Writer, Exam Prep Guide Contributor
HIMSS Privacy & Security, Advisory Board
ISACA, Emerging Technology Council & Member